Sunday, February 12, 2012

[Great Funny] Ayurvedic tips for oily skin

Here are some Ayurvedic tips for those with oily skin

Sandalwood Powder

Add a few drops of water to half a tablespoon of the powder. Apply the paste all over the face, neck and wash off after 10 minutes. This reduces wrinkles and fine lines while fighting acne and oily skin.

Lemon juice, wheat flour, turmeric powder

Mix all the three ingredients. Yogurt can be used in place of lemon juice. Apply all over the face and let it dry. The acids in the lemon juice treat dark spots on the face clearing the complexion. Turmeric brightens your face.


Milk is an excellent oil free cleanser and it doesn't dry out the skin. Wash your face with milk so that the pores are not clogged with sebum/oil.


Not only dry skin but oily skin too, need moisturising. Honey is an excellent natural moisturiser. Apply a thin layer of honey all over the face and wash off after 15 minutes.

Multani mitti

Take one tablespoon multani mitti. Mix about three tablespoons with rose water. Apply to face and neck. Wash face when the pack dries off completely. This is a unique pack containing valuable herbs to give you an oil-free, smooth and clear skin.

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