Performing exercises under guidance of self-styled yoga gurus does not constitute complete yoga. There is no doubt that these exercises, aimed at toning up the body, are indeed one of the eightfold stages of Ashtanga Yoga called 'asana' as enunciated by Sage Patanjali.
However, that is only one of seven stages in the order that Patanjali proposed. When performed in isolation, these are reduced to mere physical exercises. Again these asanas can improve your looks and your internal systems with a better figure and physical efficiency but it will be incorrect to think that performance of these asanas can turn you into a better human being.
The eight stages of ashtanga yoga are yam, niyam, asana, pranayama, pratihara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. The five yamas are non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, celibacy and non-covetousness. The five niyamas are cleanliness, contentment, austerity, self-study and surrender to God. Sage Patanjali expected seekers to embrace yam and niyam before coming to the third stage, asana. The eightfold path is to take the practitioner towards moral, physical and spiritual uplift. The ultimate aim of yoga is spiritual realisation or samadhi via mind and body.
Pranayama is control of breath; it purifies and removes distractions, facilitating concentration and meditation. Pratyahara is withdrawal of the senses during meditation that enables you to focus on the Supreme Power and establish a cosmic link. Dharana is to concentrate on one point for a considerable length of time. The aim is to still the mind by gently pushing away superfluous thoughts. Dhyana is uninterrupted meditation without an object.
The eight limbs work together: The first five steps — yama, niyama asana, pranayama, and pratyahara — are the preliminaries of yoga and they build the foundation for spiritual life with body and brain. The last three, which would not be possible without the previous steps, are concerned with reconditioning the mind. They help the yogi to attain enlightenment,.
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