[Great Funny] Never To Quit, Never To Surrender- Athletes With Handicap
There are 600 million disabled people in the world and in the past very few outdoor sporting activities were available to them. The physically disabled are excluded from numerous parts of society. A major place where they are excluded from is buildings that can't accommodate them because they don't have the ramps that need to be used and things like that. Since buildings aren't ready for them then people who are physically disabled have a limited number of places where they can go, which in the end makes them even more marginalized then before. The physically disabled are also excluded from doing sports activities when people who aren't handicapped. This makes it hard for them to participate in activities because they would have to find a place where the disabled can all play together, in like a league, and those might not be very common in some places.
Disabled people, just like the rest of us, need the thrill and enjoyment that outdoor sport can provide. With awareness, technological advances as well as the help of willing volunteers, more activities are becoming available. Being in a wheelchair, for example, doesn't mean the end of the world for playing sports. In fact, for athletes who have a growing passion for sports, a chair used wheel can now be easily modified or upgraded for their use.
From basketball, football, hockey, teckwondo, rock climbing, billiards, bowling, hang-gliding, water skiing, tennis, wheelchair racing, and medieval jousting tournaments are among the few sports that a wheelchair user can participate. These guys on wheelchairs don't know how to quit, their determination is as hard as stone.
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